von Pabst | Feb. 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
We’re proud that our DDI Training is now part of the internal Siemens Training Program, offered by the SIEMENS Global Learning Campus. Business Leader and Manager alike who are keen to get familiar with our approach will be able to address their Data Driven challenges...
von Pabst | Feb. 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
In close cooperation with the University of Bilbao and the European Data Incubator (EDI), we are again part of the eight months incubation programme for big data SME’s and Startups in Europe. Our day long session on how to use the DDI Framework to foster data driven...
von Pabst | Feb. 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
We are proud to present the DDI Framework at the BDV Forum – the yearly flagship event of the European Data & AI community. Together with SAP and Atos we want through two real life cases, where we were able to demonstrate the layout and application of the DDI...
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